Ncert Solutions for Class 10 English Literature Chapter 3

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English


CBSE Class 10 is a daunting time for most students as the fear of board examinations increases and students scramble to make sure they are prepared to face the question paper. English is one of those subjects where scoring marks is relatively easy if one puts in the effort and dedicates an appropriate amount of time towards reading the lessons. We have prepared NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English to help students get closer to their dream scores.

We have provided a summary of each lesson in the two books- NCERT English readers for class 10- Footprints Without Feet and First Flight. The language used is easy to follow and understand. The solutions have been made after a thorough reading and comprehension of the lessons and are aimed to provide students maximum exposure to the main themes and characters of each lesson. We have carefully picked out the most important parts of each lesson and included them in the summary. This will help the students learn the core concepts of the chapters and enable them to approach each question in two to three different ways. We feel confident that going through these solutions will improve your performance and help you gain confidence in the subject.

Read on to find out everything about NCERT Solutions for class 10 English literature and course book.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight- Chapter-Wise

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 1 A Letter to God

'A Letter to God' by G.L Fuentes is the first chapter of the book First Flight and is a story about unwavering faith. In this story, Lencho, the protagonist, writes a letter to God asking for help after a deadly storm destroyed his entire crop yield. The postmaster of the town collects money from his colleagues and replies to Lencho's letter as though it were from God. However, Lencho is disappointed that the amount was less than what he had asked for and accused the post office workers of stealing the rest of the money.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 2 Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

This chapter is an excerpt from Nelson Mandela's autobiography (born July 18, 1918). It touches upon the issue of apartheid wherein people were discriminated against based on their race. The lesson gives us an overview of how Nelson Mandela and others worked their way to a society where no one is discriminated against because of their ethnicity, caste, age, or gender.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 3 Two Stories about Flying

'His First Flight' tells the story of a young seagull who is afraid to fly due to the mistrust of his wings. Despite their smaller wings, his younger siblings could fly without fear. The little bird finally learns to fly when maddening hunger drives him off a cliff, and he has to rely on his wings.

'Black Aeroplane' tells the story of a selfish pilot who endangers the life of all the passengers on his plane to fulfil his wish of going on a holiday with his family. However, a mysterious plane guides him out of the storm, and he can carry his passengers to safety. On further inspection, he realises that there was no other plane in the sky except for his own.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 4 From the Diary of Anne Frank

The Diary of Anne Frank is the autobiography of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who writes down her thoughts in a diary. The excerpt talks about how young students should be encouraged to engage in class to feel happy and have a positive learning experience. Anne's math teacher, Mr Keesing, was irritated by her talkativeness. Whenever she talked more in class, he would always punish her with extra homework. However, he always took it sportingly and even read out her homework to the class.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 5 The Hundred Dresses – I

Wanda, a girl who claims to have one hundred dresses, is the subject of the lesson "The Hundred Dresses - I." Her classmates teased her because her claim is contradicted by the fact that she was always seen in the same outfit. When she entered her hundred drawings in a drawing contest, the truth about the hundred dresses was revealed. It was the same hundred dresses she had mentioned before, and they were all extremely beautiful.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 6 The Hundred Dresses – II

The Hundred Dresses- II is a continuation of The Hundred Dresses- I. It reveals why Wanda had been absent from school. The Petronski family wanted to relocate to a large city where their rare surname would be forgotten. This news stunned the entire class, as well as the teacher. Maddie and Peggy were worried when they heard the note because they realised they'd never get a chance to make up for all the bullying they'd done. Only when they discover that Wanda liked them and had dedicated one of the hundred dresses (drawings) to each of them, do they feel relieved.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 7 Glimpses of India

Three short stories are included in this chapter. The first is Lucio Rodrigues' novel 'A Baker from Goa'. This is a tale about a baker from the days of old Portugal. The second is Lokesh Abrol's Coorg. It's a story about Coorg, a town in Karnataka in which the author describes the weather, climate, people, wildlife, and landscape of Coorg. Arup Kumar Datta's 'Tea from Assam' is the last story. It follows two friends as they explore Assam's tea gardens and learn about the legends that surround them.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 8 Mijbil the Otter

The author, Gavin Maxwell, describes how his life changed when he decided to domesticate an otter after losing his beloved dog. He takes us through his journey from Iraq to London, adapting, playing, and travelling with Mijbil (or Mij), the otter, and how he formed an inseparable bond with him.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 9 Madam Rides the Bus

Vallikannan depicts the curious disposition of children in 'Madam Rides the Bus' via Valli. The story also demonstrates how quickly children are intrigued by new ideas and how their interest does not wane until they have had a taste of fantasy life. As we can see, Valli has a strong urge to take a bus trip and manages to do so on her own.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 10 The Sermon at Benares

The Sermon at Benares describes one of Lord Buddha's holiest sermons, which ended the pain of a mourning woman, Kisa Gotami, who had lost her son. She was able to liberate herself from unending suffering by realising the truth of life.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 11 The Proposal

The Proposal is a comedy-drama about two wealthy families who seek relations with one another to increase their estates by promoting marriages that will increase their wealth. It depicted the quarrelsome nature of the play's protagonists and how a wealthy family ruthlessly promoted marriage with another wealthy family to improve their financial situation.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet- Chapter-Wise

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 1 A Triumph of Surgery

This is the tale of Tricki, a dog who is the pet of Mrs Pumphrey, a wealthy woman. She adores her dog and is unable to deny him anything he desires. It signifies how wealthy parents spoil their children with costly things, which is detrimental to their wellbeing in the long run.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 2 The Thief's Story

The plot revolves around a 15-year-old thief who changes his name every month to avoid the attention of the cops and his previous employers. He steals from an honest man and regrets his actions, leading him to turn over a new leaf. The story focuses on human ideals and relationships that are important in our lives and can change people.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 3 The Midnight Visitor

This story is about a man who breaks all stereotypes of typical detectives. Ausable is a short, overweight man with a thick accent. A young writer visits him in order to get ideas for his next novel. We see Ausable employ his witty banter to fabricate a lie about a non-existent balcony and police officers to catch the intruder in his room through their interactions. The attacker, terrified of the cops, jumps out the window, only to fall to the ground.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 4 A Question of Trust

Horace Danby is a thief who isn't like the rest. He only steals once a year. He adores books and spends the majority of his earnings on them. Before conducting a robbery, he meticulously prepares everything. During his burglary attempt at a large house, he is duped by a lady thief who claims to be the property owner. Finally, Horace is imprisoned, only to later repent about how a member of his own profession duped him.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 5 Footprints without Feet

Griffin, an eccentric scientist, discovers a drug that makes him invisible. He misuses his power to steal and ends up hurting a lot of people in the process. It describes human nature's propensity to misappropriate innovative discoveries intended for the common good, resulting in a menace for all.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 6 The Making of a Scientist

The Making of a Scientist is an enthralling account of a young student who excelled in the field of research. In his youth, Richard Ebright had a strong desire to capture butterflies. With the help of Dr Urquhart, he performs more complex experiments on the butterflies. This inspired him to explore new areas of science and motivated him. He also received several awards for his discoveries. Then he was fortunate enough to be allowed to plan DNA research, which led to the development of a new hypothesis about the structure and function of cells.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 7 The Necklace

Guy De Maupassant's novel 'The Necklace' tells the story of Matilda, a middle-class woman. She was born into a clerk family and married M Loisel, another clerk. She was attractive, but she was dissatisfied with her life due to poverty. She once borrowed a necklace from Madame Forestier and misplaced it at a ball. She had to live a terrible life in order to replace the necklace, thus depicting how her desire for more led to her downfall.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 8 The Hack Driver

Sinclair Lewis' novel 'The Hack Driver' is about a man named Oliver Lutkins. He was a cunning man who was summoned as a witness in a court, but he refused to appear in court. The task of finding this man in New Mullion was assigned to a young lawyer. He encountered a friendly hack driver there. The driver drove him around the village looking for Lutkins, but he couldn't find him. Later, the prosecutor discovered that the hack driver was none other than Oliver Lutkins himself. As a result, the young lawyer became a laughing stock for all.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 9 Bholi

The plot revolves around a young girl who is considered dull and ugly due to disease and an unfortunate fall during her childhood. Everyone makes fun of her because she isn't attractive or intelligent. However, her life takes a turn when she enrols in a nearby school, where her teacher inspires her and assists her in becoming a knowledgeable and confident individual. Later in the story, Bholi is forced to accept a marriage with an unsuitable match, which she refuses when she sees her father pleading with the bridegroom when he demands dowry. The tale depicts a young girl's struggle against social inequality and prejudice in society.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 10 The Book that Saved the Earth

'The Book That Saved the World' is a story about a nursery rhyme called "The Mother Goose," which has been reimagined as the book that saved the Earth from an alien invasion. The tale starts with a historian explaining how Martians intend to invade the Earth one day in the twentieth century. A member of their crew lands in a library on Earth and attempts to decipher the contents of the books that they mistook for a sandwich. They come across the rhyme 'Humpty Dumpty' that reminds them of their master- Think Tank. They become afraid of their master losing control of Mars due to humans, thus forcing them to abandon their plot to invade Earth.

Why Aakash's Latest NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English?

We at Aakash have taken extreme care to furnish keynotes after each part with the nitty-gritty outline, significant equations, and all the important points clarified in the reading material for Class 10 which is an extremely important class in one's academic career. The students looking for the appropriate responses to inquiries present in the books of NCERT would now be able to put their hunt to stop. These arrangements of NCERT course solutions are set up after over the top exploration, making it outstanding amongst other online NCERT Solutions. It gives a bit by bit clarification to each address given in the course books. The Aakash NCERT Solutions can likewise end up being of significant guide to students for their home tasks and state and National Level competitive exams also.

Highlights of Class 10 English Aakash NCERT Solutions

  • The subject matter is prepared by senior faculty members allowing students to have solutions and experience served in one platter.
  • Aakash NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English are refined at various stages.
  • Solutions provide easy and precise CBSE solutions.
  • The language is easy and steps are explained clearly.
  • Chapter wise and Topic-wise solutions for students' in-depth understanding.
  • Nothing in the syllabus is left. Entire syllabus is covered.

FAQ's for CLASS 10 English NCERT Solutions

Q. Why are NCERT solutions for class 10 English important?

A.English is a subject that requires the student to know the content of the lesson and draw suitable conclusions and inferences from the same. It thus requires an in-depth knowledge of the lesson to capture the nuances hidden throughout the lessons adequately. NCERT Solutions for class 10 English will not help students recapitulate the main plot points while also giving the concussions and inferences from the story.

Q. Is going through the NCERT solutions enough?

A. The NCERT solutions will give you an overall idea of what the lessons look like but will not give you in-depth knowledge. To learn the characters' names, personality traits, and lines, it is necessary to go through the entire lesson. However, the NCERT solutions will aid your preparation, and they will be highly beneficial for you in your exam preparation.

Q. How should I prepare for CBSE Class 10 English subject?

A. Apart from reading and understanding the literature part thoroughly from the textbooks, try using Aakash NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Literature which can ace up your exam preparation. You can have a strong command of the English Language with NCERT Solutions provided by us.

Q. What is the best way to study for English Class 10?

A.Make use of the preparation resources like Aakash's Study Material, Books, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 to sit confidently in the exam, and score good grades.

Q. What revision pattern should be followed after complete preparation?

A. Well, this is what we always mention ie, Practice is the key to success. Practice more and more to succeed in Class 10 English exam. After thorough preparation, try using quick links available by Aakash for CBSE Class 10 English Literature Board Exams and go through them to upgrade the level of understanding and preparation. Chapterwise Solutions prepared by our expert faculty under each topic makes it easy for you to score more.

Q. How can I improve my marks in English on the Class 10 Board?

A. Improvement is always a mix of everything like being clear in grammar, understanding the correct composition, learning the correct format for reports or letters, an understanding of the textbooks, and all. We suggest you allow time for all sections that are a part of Class 10 Board exams equally.

Q. From where can I download Chapter wise NCERT Class 10 English Literature Solutions?

A. You can get the NCERT Class 10 English Literature Solutions Chapter-wise prepared by expert faculty at Aakash. Try practicing for all the Exam sections and topics equally as much as you can with the NCERT Solutions provided over here to score well.

Ncert Solutions for Class 10 English Literature Chapter 3


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